Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Entry #3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters are Peter, Valentine, and Ender. Even though, it seems like Ender is the “main guy,” Peter and Valentine takes a strong role in this novel. All three characters are from one mother, but acts and thinks as if they were different people. All their actions and thoughts are like adults and what I call “genius” All of them were smart, but they all chose different ways, thus affecting the world in a way.
I like Ender the most. You might be thinking, “of course, because he is the main character.” For me, he is more than a main character in this novel. His personality and actions are different from most kids. He acts like an adult. But most importantly, he chose to use his talents not for himself, but for the good of others. This fact inspired me, and I hope that it inspired other reader as well. The next person I like is Valentine. She represents the people who affect this world by what they can do. She is similar to Ender, but she is more like indecisive and unconfident, while Ender has a determined personality.
Peter is the least favorite character among others. Even though, he is one of the Wiggin genius, unlike his siblings, he chose to use his talents for himself, which was to rule this world. Like Ender, he is very determined and achieves his goal through his determination. I believe that he would be the ideal person and could have become a better commander than Ender could if he had a good heart. Peter was a murderer in the heart and Ender, and Valentine knew it. These three Wiggins reveal, “Every one has a certain talent. The question is that how will one use it. For the good of the world or for themselves?”