Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

It was hard to find a specific theme for this novel, because books like these are for entertainment and enjoyment. However, I did get a main message from this book, while I enjoyed the breathtaking imagination of Orson Scott Card. “If we put effort, our age doesn’t matter the fact that we can do the impossible.” I came up with this statement while I was wondering what the author was trying to tell me. Ender Wiggin became the “greatest military commander” at the age of 12. AT THE AGE OF 12!!! But according to what Mr. Card is trying to say, Valentine, Peter, and Ender’s ages are not a barrier to their achievements they have done.

This theme is a huge impact to teenagers living in 2007/08. Teenagers think that they can not do certain things in this world, just because of their age. If teenagers focus on their goals hard enough, they can do something impossible. A year ago, I used to think that I can never beat Mr. Ted (a soccer coach)’s speed. As weeks passed, I was still slower than him. So, one day I decided that my age is not an obstacle and applied the theme. I started working hard day and night, trying to develop my muscles. The result was that I beat him in my speed and several other so called fast people. The point is that it took me just little amount of effort to achieve my goal. This story of mine made this theme more true to me. I wondered how much I can achieve to this world if I try hard. That made me imagine how this world can be a better world if we apply this theme and put effort into it.

All three kids of Wiggin family is a great example for this theme. The three kids made something impossible for their age, and it was in different ways. Peter chose the wrong way, while Valentine and Ender overcame their age barrier to compose a better world. “If we put effort, our age doesn’t matter the fact that we can do the impossible.”


Anonymous said...

I agree. I liked that you connected the main theme of this novel to your personal experience. It is sometimes easier to understand the universal human truth if you relate them to your memories or past experiences. I totally agree with the fact that age is not an obstacle in our society. It is interesting to find that we have a similar theme. Nice Post!