Thursday, March 6, 2008

please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you.

why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries

and comment on what you think about the passage.

There were a lot of events that represented universal truths. One of the most significant events is when Ender finds the larva of the queen. In addition to that, instead of killing that last chance of the buggers’ survival, Ender decides to take care of it and searches for a suitable territory. This event symbolizes that it is not too late to bring peace back. By deciding to save this last hope of an entire race, he showed the perfect victory by pursuing peace.

Peace can be a hard thing to achieve in this world, because of many things such as misunderstandings. Misunderstanding was why there was a war between humans and the buggers, and Ender knew that. This whole book is about the war and how humans can use Ender to destroy them. Therefore, Ender knew that it was misunderstand that lead to this terrible destruction, and he knew that by saving this last larva, it was the only and perfect way of gaining victory and the only and perfect way of paying back what he has already done wrong. Life has a way of giving and taking away. He has already what was taken away, and now he is paying back by looking for a suitable and good territories for the larva to colonize, and if there is a chance bring up the whole race of buggers back to life.


Young Chang said...

I like how you said "he showed the perfect victory by pursuing peace." Ender's victory was not when he defeated the buggers outnumbered on his last test, but when he began to understand the real, true rules of the game and broke all the misunderstandings by saving that one larva of the queen.